Page name: Hackers Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-14 23:43:52
Last author: -Tier-
Owner: Janus Star
# of watchers: 18
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Welcome to Hackers Unite!




:Hijacker Badge:
- Hijack another users account on ET.

:Ghost Badge:
- Become a guard on ET.

:Cell Badge:
- Put this wiki URL on five or more different sites, where there are possibly hackers.

:Circle Badge:
- Establish a monthly meeting spot for hackers in your location.

:Cyber Ninja Badge:
- Hack someone's network an get their password(s).


1. [Genesis~] UPC: TERMINATED

     Awards: Circle Badge, Cyber Ninja Badge, Hijacker Badge

2. [Janus Star] UPC: 100101

     Awards: Circle Badge, Cyber Ninja Badge, Hijacker Badge

4. [Diiwica] UPC: 010001

NOTE: Do not post any exploits on here.

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2006-07-07 [Genesis~]: for now on, when you see numbers, there are only two numbers that will appeal to you..1 and 0 ok?

2006-07-07 [Diiwica]: binary, so useful

2006-07-15 [Janus Star]: wow, ive been gone a bit, sorry about that, an yes binary is useful....but hard to read, very few can read it, even some of the best hackers dont fully understand binary... im not trying to be rude my dear, but dont pretend like you know know how this wiki feels like about fakes....

2006-07-16 [Terror and Hubris]: uuhhh, i have a question for oyu guys, and gals, if you dont mind....

2006-07-16 [Diiwica]: And what Is that?

2006-07-23 @Not logged in user@: Is it possible to hack a myspace?? What about a photobucket account?

2006-07-23 [Diiwica]: DUH you can hack both... >.> how stupid of a question

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: ...its actualy a very Intellagent question [Diiwica]... because in or not you can hack anything at all depends on the level of security on that particular site... take World of Warcraft for example.... or even Westwood online... even the best hacker cannot hack them... its extreamly hard

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: I beg the differ, some hacker by the name ||||||||| hacked westwood online, for red alert 2, and did it repeatedly for 1 whole year.. it was a pain in the ass, becuase he hacked it every night thre same time i got on to play..

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: And he would make it so no one could play games online for 1 hour..

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: Anything can be hacked, it just depends how good you are, and how much your willing to risk..

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: yes but how long ago was that? quite a while, an you know as well as i do, that now adays westwood is really hard to hack

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: That was one year ago...

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: alot can change in a year... dont be foolish to rush into somthing just because someone else did somthing a year ago, thats how people get caught...youd be suprised how much security one can add in a year...

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: I wasn't foolish enough to rush into that a year after he did it, it is foolish of you to egven trhink i would try to hack that after some other hacker hacked it, and then disappeared..

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: Everyone tell me what you want your UPC's to be, and Ill add them..

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: i never said that what YOU where thinking that, i was merly stateing it on the board for others to see, i already know you havent tryed to hack it, because you dont need to, your good enuff at the damn game, you have no need for was merly an statement on the board, not really directed at you, just a responce for others preferable new people to read so THEY wont be foolish

2006-07-24 [Janus Star]: anyways, id like to ask @not logged in user@ why you want to hack myspace? it seems very pointless to me

2006-07-24 [Genesis~]: 0|<

2006-07-25 @Not logged in user@: hi

2006-07-25 [Genesis~]: The bible of phreaking faithful

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